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  • Writer's pictureRonghe Chen

White Christmas No More??

This past week, I have noticed something in the air that wasn't present before, not in previous years. Although it was mid-December, it did not feel like winter at all. Not an inch of snow was on the ground. Instead, it was warm, shockingly warm, almost like spring or fall. As I walked to school, I found myself at a comfortable temperature and not needing the coat that I carried around all day. We all know how unpredictable Chicago weather is, but not once in my lifetime has the thermometer read numbers nearing 70° in December!

Because winter is the fastest-warming season in the United States, chances of snow on Christmas are slim to none. Although the monthly average is a more reasonable 37°, the week of December 12th saw highs in the high 60°s, a whopping 30° to 40° above what is considered normal! On average, one in four Decembers have produced a 60° day, which is a sign that global warming has taken hold. In fact, on December 2nd 1981, in Chicago, the temperature was a truly remarkable 71°!

However, all is not lost. For those of us that wish for a white Christmas, a jet stream may retreat and allow some cold air to sink southward over the Midwest around December 23rd to 25th, just in time for Christmas. Recently, I have noticed temperatures drop towards more normal levels, accompanied by 60 mph winds, which could be due to a storm.

Unfortunately, like the unusual temperatures reported this week, these extreme winds, which are closely related to the tornado rampage around neighboring states, are a result of climate change. Specifically, the shifting of the locations of tornadoes and increased variability are tell-tale signs that something is not right.

Although sometimes I miss the moderate temperatures of September and October, 60° days do not belong in December, as they are often linked with climate change and severe weather. However, one can always hope for a little bit of holiday snow.


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