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  • Writer's pictureRonghe Chen

Your Carbon Footprint

What is your carbon footprint? You might wonder. Your carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases you generate with your actions. Specifically, it is calculated during every stage of manufacturing of every product you use (production, distribution, usage, and end-of-life).

Earth Overshoot Day is the day on your calendar that marks when humanity would use a year's worth of the Earth's resources. Since the UN started calculating in 1970, Earth Overshoot Day had been moving back earlier and earlier, and is now around late July.

This might sound intimidating, but you can help. By changing simple things in your lifestyle.


  • Eat less meat.

  • Eat more locally sourced foods.

  • Take public transportation.

  • Turn off lights when you're not using them (for example, when you're asleep or not at home).

  • Make smaller portions to reduce food waste.

  • Buy second-hand clothing and cut down on fast fashion.

  • Compost food waste if possible.

  • Bring a reusable bag when shopping.


Although we all would like to reduce our carbon footprint, it's not always easy. For example, organic, plant-based, and locally sourced foods are generally more expensive. Additionally, many people would prefer the comfort of their own car over public transportation.

Another problem that could arise is that governmental organizations hold the most power when making decisions related to decreasing our carbon footprint as a whole. One way to help, however, is to get politically active. To vote. Take action and advocate for more sustainable practices.


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