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  • Writer's pictureRonghe Chen

Summer 2022 Weather Prediction

It's getting hot in here.

According to Farmer's Almanac, this summer will be a hot one nationwide. Only in New England and the Great Lakes will the heat be more mild, but that is only because there is a wave of cool air that will arrive in September. Across the country, in different regions, the climate this summer will be as follows:

  • Pacific Northwest - very warm and dry

  • California - scorching hot, no rain

  • North Central - sizzling, scattered summer showers

  • South - very hot, normal precipitation

  • Southeast - hot, humid, lots of thunder

  • Midwest - warm, showers

  • Northeast - warm, dryer than normal

Although predictions for a whole summer may not always be accurate and are subject to change, they are based off of trends in previous years. In the Chicago area, recent summers have been warm, around high 70s to 80s. However, so far, this year I've noticed a few 60 degree days in between these scorching hot summer days, which is understandable since Chicago weather has a tendency to switch up pretty often.

The National Weather Service's Climate Prediction Center released its Jun-Jul-Aug outlook on May 19th, where in Illinois, temperatures have a 33-40% chance of being above normal (in fact, almost every state in the US is projected to be above normal, and no states are projected to be below normal!) and the same amount of precipitation as normal.

The extreme temperatures that will be observed in the Northern hemisphere this summer are due to La Nina, the cooling of surface waters on the sea. This La Nina phase will continue into the winter of 2022 and 2023.

All in all, it is difficult to predict the weather for an entire season, but historical trends, such as past summers and El Nino/La Nina patterns may give us some insight.


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